Analyst Coverage

Analyst in Charge Type Company Phone contact Start date Target Price
João Victor Linch Daronco Sell Side Suno Research +55 55 99100-8762 01/09/2020
William de Sousa Gomes Sell Side TC Matrix +55 11 99444-2717 03/03/2021
Sergio Oba Sell Side Empiricus +55 11 4003-3118 03/19/2021
André Mazini Sell Side Citi 03/02/2022 R$ 12.00
Chrystian Oliveira Sell Side Levante Corp +55 11 98187-5192 01/28/2022 R$ 15.00
Lucas Laghi Sell Side XP Investimentos +55 15 99700-3700 09/02/2023 R$ 13.00

Any estimates, opinions or forecasts made by these analysts regarding the performance of Kepler Weber are under their exclusive responsibility, and do not represent the estimates, opinions or forecasts of Kepler Weber or its Management. The reference made above by Kepler Weber does not imply an endorsement of or opinion agreement regarding the information, conclusions or recommendations made by these analysts. Kepler Weber does not guarantee that the above list of analysts is complete or updated, and the information to be provided herein is subject to authorization by the respective analysts.

Consensus Forecast 2024