Make it easy to consult your Income Statements for the year 2023 by registering in advance on the platform.
How to make your first login?
1. In the Portal, click on First Access;
2. Enter your CPF number and date of birth (in case of Individuals) or CNPJ and date of organization (in case of Legal Entities);
3. Choose the option to verify your identity (phone number or email);
4. If you cannot find your phone number or email, please contact Call Center at +55 3003 9285 (Capital Cities) or 0800 720 5299 (Other Regions). Office hours are from Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
5. Enter the code received by email and/or phone number, and create your personal password;
6. There you go, now just enter your CPF/CNPJ and the new registered password to access your documents.
If you have forgotten your password, follow the procedures described in the Correspondence Portal by clicking on the “Forgot password?” option.
For questions and information about Income Statements issued by Itaú, you will need to contact the bank through the Call Center:
Capital Cities and Metropolitan Regions: 3003-9285
Other Regions: 0800 720 9285
Via e-mail through the Pre-Service channel:
Office hours are from Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.